Friday, April 11, 2008

Ah Springtime, I mean Winter, I mean Springtime...

So it's April 11th and we are normally enjoying the beginning of warmer weather. But just last week, we awoke to 3-4 inches of snow and freezing temperatures. The weather finally warmed up a bit (just a tiny bit), then we awoke again this morning and it was snowing again!

This weekend it is supposed to climb into 70 degree weather. From 30 to 70 overnight! The weather just can't make up its mind!

Hopefully this is the last of the nasty weather patterns we have been enduring for the last 4 months. So much for being in a drought.

On a lighter note, the kids start spring break this afternoon. They get a full week this year. Unfortunately, I don't have any vacation time that I can take off to spend with them. Instead, we will take Friday night and Saturday to go to Bryce Canyon National Park next weekend.

I'll post a few pictures when we get back, but we're all very excited to "get away" for a few days. This winter has been very hard on us collectively, and we need to have a break, if even for just a couple of days.


youngfam said...

I agree crazy weather!!! Have a fun trip, I am excited for the pictures!

Brooke said...

Have fun and enjoy Bryce Canyon. I really like it there. The rock climbers are amazing.